
Read our Donor Report for more about our exciting plans to launch Move Beyond Coal 

Click to download the Donor Report for 21/22


In collaboration with the grassroots, Tipping Point is launching a new movement to stop finance for Australian coal.

Australia must be at the epicentre of the movement for climate justice. Australia’s coal industry is still the largest polluting export industry on the planet. Almost half of all the world’s proposed coal mines are right here, in Australia. And according to a 2021 study published in the journal Nature, 95% of all Australian coal needs to stay in the ground to keep us below 1.5 degrees. 

We believe that building grassroots power to stop the money that coal companies need is our best and fastest route to solving Australia's biggest contribution to the global climate crisis. 

With 70 new coal mines proposed for Australia, the first focus of Move Beyond Coal will be to stop the money that's funding dangerous coal expansion projects, removing a key pillar that's holding up the entire coal industry. 

We know from the success of the #StopAdani campaign that Australian-based grassroots movements have the power to send shockwaves through the finance sector. We will build on this power and experience to end coal finance, starting with NAB's support for Whitehaven's disastrous coal expansion plans.  

We need to raise $100,000 to get going. This money will go towards:

  • A huge roadshow in September to launch the movement with the grassroots
  • The creation of a movement film and distributed film screenings to inspire people to join us
  • Training, organising and action support to seed hundreds of groups across the country to adopt their local bank branches 

Can you chip in to help us get Move Beyond Coal started?


For a tax-deductible donation - please use the buttons to the right of this page to chip in today - either as a one-off or monthly donation.

If you'd prefer to make a bank transfer, our bank account for tax-deductible donations is:

  • Account Name: Friends of the Earth Australia Fund Account
  • BSB: 313-140
  • Account Number: 12060185

Please include tippingpoint in the reference for the deposit and send us an email at [email protected] to let us know you've donated!

Tipping Point is a proud member of Friends of the Earth Australia. Friends of the Earth Australia is a deductible gift recipient as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth). Donations over $2 may be tax deductible. Please see full terms and conditions here. Thank you so much for your support.


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$ 500.00




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GOAL: $100,000.00

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