We need your help to build a big, bold movement against coal


It’s never been more clear that fossil fuel companies are corrupting our politics. Our Federal Environment Minister has sided with coal companies in court, continued to approve new coal developments, and recently delayed crucial environmental law reforms including the much-needed Climate Trigger that would ensure coal and gas projects are assessed on their climate harm.

This puts us in an urgent position. Right now, people power is all that stands between Tanya Plibersek and the 30 coal projects on her desk that, if approved, would turbocharge the climate crisis and the extinction crisis. Much more community pressure is needed to win a Climate Trigger and ensure there is no more coal and gas.

We must build the people power that can stand up against this enormous threat to lives and livelihoods - and we have a plan to do just that.

With our new documentary Walanbaa Ngiiyani | Stronger Together we will reach thousands of people with a wave of community film screenings, sharing powerful real life stories that highlight the impact of the Labor Government’s inaction on coal and gas.

Can you chip in to help us build the movement and roll out this powerful film to thousands of people in town halls and community centres across the country? 

In 2024-2025, your donation will pay for:

  • Our team to support a wave of community screenings of our new documentary Walanbaa Ngiiyani | Stronger Together to activate thousands of people across the country;
  • Training and support for action teams to build political opposition to coal, mobilise en masse and increase community pressure to cut ties with coal;
  • Visits to frontline First Nations communities resisting coal expansions, enabling deeper relationship building with communities fighting on the coal face;
  • The resources to convene and grow a network of partner organisations and grassroots groups in Australia that are committed to growing a powerful, diverse and justice oriented movement to tackle coal finance and politics.

Can you chip in to help us build the future of Move Beyond Coal?

Tipping Point is a proud member of Friends of the Earth Australia. Friends of the Earth Australia is a deductible gift recipient as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth). Donations over $2 may be tax deductible. Please see the terms and conditions here. Thank you so much for your support.

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