We need your help to build a big, bold movement to end political support for coal and gas

The past 12 months of Tipping Point have been big, bold and disruptive as we continue to build  a people powered movement to solve Australia’s biggest contribution to the climate crisis.

School strikers have once again captured media and the public’s attention, taking to the streets and the halls of political power to shine a spotlight on the Labor Government’s inaction on the climate crisis.

Move Beyond Coal has demonstrated the power of our movement: stopping NAB and 11 other banks from refinancing a $1 billion loan to Whitehaven Coal, and reaching a new level of success and impact, with NAB signalling that they plan not to lend to any company whose primary activity is mining thermal coal. This powerful force is now shifting the dial, turning up the heat on the Federal Labor Government to say no to new coal and gas projects.

Together, we've forged new ways of connecting people and growing movements around a common goal of climate justice at a time when we need each other more than ever. 

Will you chip in to support our work in 2024 and beyond?

Download the Tipping Point End of Year 2023 Donor Report here.

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