Writing Yes

Why Tipping Point is Writing Yes this Referendum

The wisdom, practices and stories of Aboriginal people are woven through this continent, and have been protecting Country as part of the oldest living culture in the world for at least 65,000 years. 

However, colonised Australia has an ugly history when it comes to Aboriginal people - massacres, stolen land, stolen children and violent repression of language and culture. 

Too often, governments have made decisions about First Nations people without them, and extractive corporations have run roughshod over their rights. Native Title processes have favoured mining profits, Royal Commission recommendations have been ignored, and Traditional Owners haven’t had the decision-making power to determine what happens on their land. 

We have to be honest about this history so that we can work together to build a better and fairer future for everyone.

A better and fairer future must include First Nations people having a seat at the table. Aboriginal communities themselves are the best placed to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities before them. 

If a majority of people write Yes in the upcoming referendum, the Government will be accountable to the public to act on the advice of First Nations people. 

Writing Yes in the referendum is a way to say that we value the wisdom of the oldest living culture on Earth. Writing Yes is a way to show that we, as a nation, value Aboriginal people and culture and want to listen to and act upon their perspectives. 

With this in mind, Tipping Point is supporting Yes and deep transformative change well beyond the referendum. Yes, and treaties. Yes, and truth telling. Yes, and land rights. Yes, and honouring and following the wisdom of Aboriginal people. 

Together, let’s ensure that this referendum is an important step towards a society that respects First Nations people and culture and leads to meaningful improvements in the quality of life for all Aboriginal people.

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